Parents & Athletes – Appreciating Your Coaches

Is there a more caring group of people out there working with our young children and athletes? Even the ones who seem a little “pushy” are pushing because they want the athlete to improve and be more successful. Is there a group of people out there who are more under appreciated? Taken for granted?

The vast majority of the coaches out there care a little too much. The ups and downs of coaching should drive them out of the activity or career. And some do leave because of all of the stress, negativity and the me, me, me attitudes we have seen in recent years. What happened to the we, we, we attitudes of team loyalty and working together as teammates for a common cause? Supporting the coaches, praising them and appreciating them instead of looking over their shoulders all of the time just waiting for them to make a mistake or a questionable decision?

Thankfully a huge number of sports programs are doing it the right way. The parents do their jobs positively supporting the program and coaches, the kids having mostly positive attitudes as they train and compete and everyone understanding the passion that the coaches have for the athletes and the goals of the program. Everyone also understanding and appreciating the sacrifices these coaches are making. First one there, last one to leave and the one who lays in bed at night trying to sleep but having thoughts of “how can I make it better for Suzy or for the team?”

The career for an athlete in a youth sports program is fleeting, just a few years usually. Enjoy the ride. Sure there will be some bumps but we all can work together to get over them and get to the good times. It is NOT parents against the coaches. It is NOT athletes against the coaches, we work together to create some wonderful experiences and memories as we learn life lessons through sports. Most of the time the “head of the class” in learning life lessons through sports are the coaches. Appreciate them and help them with this tough job.

We can be a team. We can set goals and achieve most of them. We can make the sports for these kids “learning labs.” If the adults do it right. Tom Burgdorf on Facebook

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