Dear Parents, Due to the recent government announcements of allowing no more than 100 people in the building at any one time. We are cancelling all recreational classes from 3:45 pm today. Competitive will be training as usual but with a few important rules: 1) No spectators at all, drop off at door, pick up from door TRP (1st roller door as you drive in), TUM (2nd roller door), WAG (3rd roller door), MAG, (roller door around the back of the building). There will be different doors assigned for each stream – keep an eye out for door notices. 2) The café will not be open. 3) Please no visiting Reception area, please ring if an emergency or ring the child’s head of department or coach. 4) There are no competitions until the end of May at this stage (subject to updates by GA). 5) No drinking directly from the water fountains, bottle filling is OK. 6) No competitive makeups – please let your coach know if you are not attending. Thank you for your understanding, any issues please email or Emma & Tony Burton