Parents At Practices

It does make a difference. It does cause an “under the microscope” feeling for some kids and some coaches. The idea of having Mom or Dad or both there every minute of every practice. It can be a distraction that doesn’t always get the best results from the athlete or the coach. Is it necessary? Is it creating a productive atmosphere for learning?

From the athletes perspective, the parent sees every mistake? And every accomplishment. The parent sees every “moment” between athlete and coach. The parent hears every encouraging word, every “I am disappointed in that effort” word. The parent sees every “up” moment and every “down” moment in practice?

Does this discourage the closeness between athlete and coach? Should the parents share in every coach/athlete conversation, situation, challenge? Is the athlete being evaluated every moment, every movement and every word at every practice by her parent? Necessary?

From the coaches perspective, the parent sees all of the body language? All of the methods to motivate, inspire and excite? No, it isn’t that we need to hide our “black magic” but there are moments and situations that should be between athlete and coach and no one else.

Consider allowing the coaches and athletes time on their own at practices. An athlete practicing 6 hours a week, 50 weeks a year equals 300 hours for the “always there” parent to do something else. 300 hours for drinking at a bar. For book reading at the quaint restaurant around the corner from the gym. For a college class. For anything that makes you happy.

(Share if this might help.) Tom Burgdorf and Gymnet Sports on Facebook

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