2020 Gymnastics Western Australia Festival of Gymnastics

Our first Aerobic Gymnastics Venture

On the weekend of the 21st and 22nd of November, Gymnastics Western Australia held the FESTIVAL OF GYMNASTICS at the State Gymnastics Center (Leederville).

For the first time, Highflyers Trampoline and Gymnastics Academy were represented by our new Aerobics Squad, led by Coach Samantha Elkington.

The squad, composed by athletes Emma Spence, Rylee Poole, Olivia Binkhorst and Kate Belladonna, took part on the Festival with a lovely routine for the small group category. This was such an amazing effort by the girls that they got the 2nd highest votes in the small group category and the 8th highest votes overall out of all 12 groups. CONGRATULATIONS!!

In Coach Samantha’s own words ‘The competition was a great opportunity for the athletes to be back on stage performing. It also provided them with a unique opportunity to perform together which does not occur in our usual competition season. It was also lovely to see the community back in action together.’

Here are some photos from the Festival:

You can watch the Festival Stream here:

If you kept your eyes peeled, you could also see some other faces from the Club at the event, like our International Level Athletes Josh Di Nucci and Keara Nel!

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