Trampoline Qualification Competitions 1 and 2 (QC1 and QC2)

Over the weekends of Saturday and Sunday the 12th /13th and 19th/20th of March 2016, Lords Sports Center in Subiaco played host to QC1 and QC2 for Trampoline, DMT and Tumbling athletes.

QC1 and QC2 are 2 of the 4 trials where Trampoline, DMT and Tumbling athletes have a chance to try and qualify for the state team, which will represent WA in the 2016 Australian Championships in early June.

Below is a short summary of results achieved by High Flyers athletes in these 2 trials:

QC1 – Saturday / Sunday 12th and 13th March


QC1 was the first trampoline competition of 2016. Our athletes have been working very hard on their competition preparation for around 4-5 weeks now and the results proved that hard work does pay off!

In QC1 High Flyers had 37 athletes competing. Out of those 37 athletes, 25 achieved 28 Qualifying scores! A fantastic achievement!

This led High Flyers to 15 gold, 17 silver and 13 bronze medals, claiming 46 of a total 88 medals available! Over half the medals to 1 club!!!


QC2 – Saturday / Sunday 19th and 20th March

QC2 was the 2nd of the back-to-back qualifying competitions for our trampoline athletes. After a very successful QC1, our athletes were

running confident into this second competition.

In QC2 High Flyers had 30 athletes competing. Out of those 30 athletes,17 achieved 23 qualifying scores!

This led High Flyers to 16 gold, 15 silver and 11 bronze medals, claiming 42 of 82 medals available.

Again over half the medals to 1 club!!!

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