Gymnastics provides children with a strong foundation in movement and physical preparation required in all sports and everyday life.
FreeG fuses traditional gymnastics and acrobatic tricks, with kicks and leaps made famous through martial arts and brought to worldwide attention by festival performances and stunt actors.
FreeG gets your body moving in ways never thought possible. It will get your heart racing and develop a heightened sense of spatial awareness that can be put to good use in a variety of other sports (including. boarding,
biking, skiing, climbing and surfing).
Skills will be taught, but we are not looking for pointed toes, we’re looking for your rendition while keeping safety in mind. If you want a free play type session then please come to extreme gymnastics or the open gymnastics where the classes are less structured,
but still have qualified coaches to keep an eye on safety.
Here are some photos of the FreeG workshop held at the club this weekend:
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